Frequently Asked Questions

What does WCHS collect?

We collect a variety of items, including, but not limited to:

  • Published materials, manuscripts, maps

  • Government, church, and business records

  • Identified photographs

  • Personal objects

  • Materials from local businesses and organizations

What doesn't WCHS collect?

In most cases, we do not collect:

  • Family Bibles

  • Encyclopedias

  • Typewriters

  • Wedding dresses

  • Advertising ephemera

  • Incomplete military uniforms

How do I donate an item?

First complete the Potential Acquisition Questionnaire and tell us what is is you'd like to donate.

Can I send or bring my item to the Heritage Center today?

Storage space is very limited. Before potential acquisitions come to the Heritage Center, we try to collect as much information about the item(s) as possible. Please complete the Potential Acquisition Questionnaire and tell us about your item.

Please note that WCHS reserves the right to dispose of any unsolicited items delivered to or dropped off at the Heritage Center.

Who decides to accept or decline an item?

Professional staff and the Collections Committee review the information potential donors provide. We use specific criteria as listed in WCHS' Collections Policy to help 

Do donated items go on exhibit?

Some do, but donation is not a guarantee that an item will go on exhibit. The Heritage Center has limited gallery space and long-term display can negatively effect preservation. Items in WCHS' permanent collection that are not on exhibit are kept in secure, climate-controlled storage areas and are usually viewable by appointment.

Can an item donated by me or my family be returned to me?

All items formally donated to and accessioned by the historical society cannot be returned to the donor or their descendants. A signed Deed of Gift transfers ownership of the item(s), associated rights and interests, to the Wright County Historical Society.

Does WCHS accept loaned items?

WCHS only accepts loans for specific exhibits. The Society does not accept long-term loans.